Budget Car Rental i Ponce

Puerto RicoBudget Car Rental



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Avenida Aeropuerto, 00716, Ponce, Vayas, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-848-0907
internet side: www.budget.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 18.0103934, Longitude: -66.5634353

kommentar 5

  • Alexander Perez

    Alexander Perez


    Es un buen aeropuerto

  • en

    Brian Rosario


    I've rented a car with this car rental twice. The first time I went, the girl who rented the car to me was absolutely nice but she's no longer works there. I Just traveled to P.R July 14 and rented a car with these rude ass people. When I first got there, there was no one there during opening hrs and I literally waited about and hour and a half. The employee who was renting the car to me was being so rude. Didn't even opologize for the wait I had to wait. anyways, she didn't even explain to me about road side assistance. She just gave me the keys and told me to have nice day. My tire had flat tire and I left the keys inside the trunk so I was basically locked out of the vechile. I spent a whole night without a car!! I called them and kept calling them and no one answered. This place is horrible !! Their service is horrible ! The employee are so rude !! I was basically stranded in PR. they over charged me !! Horrible experience with this car rental. The cars hey have suck ! I recommend no one rents with this place because the employee are going to treat you like crap and especially if they know you're from USA... horrible experience.

  • Eddie Kent

    Eddie Kent


    Had a reservation for a full size car it was not ready. They kept repeatedly asking us to down grade our rental. Finally a returning renter brought in a full size so they processed the contract. When I got to the car pick up area the car was not ready and they refused to let us take the car in the condition it was in which was extremely clean. They took it somewhere and we had to wait for an additional hour for it to come back. The total wait was 3 hours great way to screw up the start to our vacation.

  • Jorge Montañez

    Jorge Montañez


    Great service.

  • en

    Kary Bonilla


    I was super excited of landing in Puerto Rico after 6 years until I got to the Budget rental area. Cannot describe how rude, inappropriate and unprofessional the customer service was.

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