Caribbean Cinemas i Guaynabo

Puerto RicoCaribbean Cinemas


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100, Avenida San Patricio, 00968, Guaynabo, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-749-8660
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Latitude: 18.4083249, Longitude: -66.1054802

kommentar 5

  • alba rodriguez

    alba rodriguez


    Vi una buena película muy buena.

  • Alan Powell

    Alan Powell


    It's fine. No where near I Max. But you get the overall feel and effect. Saw Dead Pool 2.

  • Brandi McNeely

    Brandi McNeely


    This theater is out dated for my taste. The inside had a stench to it, however I kind of liked the fact the movie was in English but had Spanish subtitles.

  • es

    Odette Fraticelli


    Un lugar seguro para ir con la familia. Se Pasa bien

  • Chef Isaac Santiago

    Chef Isaac Santiago


    A Nice Cinema to Watch a Movie with the Family! The Only Downside or Bad Side, is that The Cinemas have old THX or Dolby Sound System and Not The New Dolby Atoms Surround Sound or CXC Surround Sound. it makes the movies Sound Old Fashioned, even if there High Tech 2018 Movies. But if your Ok with Old Classic Sound System, its a Nice Enjoyable Quiet Cinema that is in the majority of times nice and empty, or the majority going to this cinema are adults and gran parents, so you will have a nice quiet movie. So for That i Give it 3 Stars Only Because of the Sound Quality.

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