Caribbean Cinemas Fine Arts Miramar i San Juan

Puerto RicoCaribbean Cinemas Fine Arts Miramar


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Avenida de la Constitución, 00907, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-721-4288
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Latitude: 18.4561111, Longitude: -66.0844444

kommentar 5

  • Sophie Delaunay

    Sophie Delaunay


    Went to.see.parasite. beautiful cinema but freezing cold!. Don't forget to bring your sweater!

  • Simon Drury

    Simon Drury


    Always enjoy coming here as they offer more appealing films. Comfortable seating and a convenient cafe. Parking is a little awkward, next door using Pueblo's underground parking




    Good parking, comfy and nice places to it nearby

  • Maria Procaccino

    Maria Procaccino


    Theater needs a little TLC... MANY OF THE SEATS ARE ripped and the stuffing if sticking out... Theater 1 was really bad...

  • lismar negron

    lismar negron


    My husband took me to this place. We walk, because we are living very close by. We were notified that we can park at Pueblo next door. This is a Cinemas that tend to bring independent or different styles of movies. We watch a movie related with the Beatles and had a really good time. The service is excellent and the personnel is very professional. We went at 6pm, so they were having a police officer at the entrance. So sad we never went to the 2nd floor which it has a deli.... next time..😉 ... They even have a system for designated seats and if someone is seating in the one you chose, well we just let them know that it was our seat and they moved. I think we will visit this place more often.

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