Caribbean Cinemas i Vega Alta

Puerto RicoCaribbean Cinemas


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Vega Alta, 00692, Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-883-2720
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.4115184, Longitude: -66.3217515

kommentar 5

  • Soraima Rivera

    Soraima Rivera


    Muy bueno para ir

  • Victor Garcia

    Victor Garcia


    Entretenimiento para el fin de semana.

  • es

    Altagracia Sanchez


    Super...esta lleno pero bien ordenado. Consegui parking rapido y la película comenzó a tiempo.

  • Chef Isaac Santiago

    Chef Isaac Santiago


    Well this is One of the Smallest Cinemas, Caribbean Cinemas has in there Huge Inventory of Theaters and Cinemas with Only 6 little Theaters Rooms and all 6 are Outdated and sad, with there main Big Room (If you call it Big) with Outdated THX turn of the Century Sound System and Outdated small Seats. So Sad and depressing, in the Past it was High tech but not any longer, i stop going to it back in the early 2000's. now i go to Plaza Las Americas Caribbean Cinemas with there Big and Specious Rooms with Super Conferrable Big Seats, with the New High Tech CXC Extreme Dolby ATOMS Surround Sound in every theaters Room. So Overall i Give Vega Alta Cinema 2 Stars Just Because i Live near next to it, not because i visit it.

  • Nestor Mathews

    Nestor Mathews


    Lugar amplio, servicio rápido.

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