Casa Condado Hotel i San Juan

Puerto RicoCasa Condado Hotel



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60, Avenida Condado, 00907, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-200-8482
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.454883, Longitude: -66.072624

kommentar 5

  • en

    Ebony Browne


    The hotel is clean but the rooms need to be renovated especially the bathroom. Good location, however and also friendly staff.

  • es

    Aigo Perez


    Un hotelito chico e interesante. Es limpio y acogedor, accesible a lugares importantes de la capital.Su personal es muy amigable.

  • Joel Gomera Fernandez

    Joel Gomera Fernandez


    Buen trato del personal del hotel... Buena ubicación... los peros: internet no llega a las habitaciones y no tiene ascensor... Por lo demás... Bueno!!!

  • India Gonzalez

    India Gonzalez


    Perfecto para resolver si se viaja pocos días y lo que te interesa es salir a pasear por el área... Habitación pequeña pero practica...Como que es para zz.

  • Amanda Greenwood

    Amanda Greenwood


    MOLD, dirty and discriminatory. Our $48 reservation turned into $97 really quickly. Buyer beware! You will be charged $15 to park unless you want to park on the street and risk getting your car hit or mugged walking 4+ blocks away. We had a rental car therefore we couldn't risk getting hit in the road and we are two women who didn't know the area therefore couldn't risk getting mugged. The AC is intermittent and you go from being too hot to too cold. The bathroom was not clean and the staff at the front desk was rude when we mentioned the mold problem stating verbatim "everything is fine...everything is fine". Said staff member also harassed us about parking in the $15 parking lot next day after she saw us parking there because she claimed she didn't know we had parking stating "well there is no one back there so I'll let it slide". Remember, we paid for this privilege. Do not stay here.

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