Cementerio Borinquen Memorial I i Caguas

Puerto RicoCementerio Borinquen Memorial I



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Puerto Rico 796, 00725, Caguas, Río Cañas, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-747-1967
internet side: bmppr.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 18.2761284, Longitude: -66.0395845

kommentar 5

  • Agustin Lizardi Lizardi

    Agustin Lizardi Lizardi



  • Deliminator



    Great place to rest in peace

  • Richard Torres

    Richard Torres


    Richard Torres Worst customer service ever. Lack of communication, disrespect of family members on a time that is very sacred for the family. The blue mausoleum at the entrance is falling apart and the grounds are in need of care. Does not seem that is maintained regularly. They have an attitude as if they were the only game in town. Fortunately for our family we cancelled the enterment with them and found a better sacred place for our loved one. I will never recommend this cemetery; on the contrary I will recommend everyone not to use their services. Take your time and shop around! THEY ARE NOT THE ONLY GAME IN TOWN!

  • Miriam Marti

    Miriam Marti


    This is a Cemetery. Not a place you want to rate like if it was a business. I go there because both my parents are buried there. No other reason.

  • Jose Perez

    Jose Perez


    For your loves ones RIP

nærmeste Kirkegård

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