Club Brava i Carolina

Puerto RicoClub Brava



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6063 Isla Verde Ave, Carolina, PR 00979, Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-791-2781
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.4434198, Longitude: -66.0174035

kommentar 5

  • en

    Meredith B


    We came here on a Saturday night and it was extremely fun! The music was great (top 40 hip hop/ r&b), the crowd was lively. A lot of bachelor parties which made for fun people watching. Only downside is the drinks are quite expensive, but that is to be expected with a club in this location. Our bartender was quick and very nice. The hotel itself is beautiful. Will be back if in the area again!

  • Roger Rodrz.

    Roger Rodrz.


    The club to go to have fun. Best days to go is Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays. Best is Thursdays. It has 2 floors and the music is great. You can get bar service and pay for a VIP section.

  • Jas Charles

    Jas Charles


    Went there last year while staying at the Esj Azul. We literally walked to the club, let's just say underestimated the club. It's an amazing atmosphere ! You'll enjoy it, just make sure you dress up nice with heels ladies. It's that kind of club. I'm going there again this month when I visit PR

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    Mrs. Jade


    My friend & I are looking to come here this weekend. We will be there for a week. We want to hear hip-hop/rap. Are you still playing this kind of music and what day is best to come? Thank you!

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    Ernesto Ruiz


    I plan on attending Brava this weekend. Vacationing from Los Angeles, can't wait to attend Brava!!! We do plan on getting bottle service and looking to better our experience as much as possible. One quick question, I don't like wearing dress shoes. So outdated, but I do have designer shoes (they are not sneakers). Will that be okay to get in. If so, can you please let me know. Thanks in advance

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