Consulado de Colombia i San Juan

Puerto RicoConsulado de Colombia



🕗 åbningstider

2, Avenida de la Constitución, 00917, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1-787
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 18.4320613, Longitude: -66.0592522

kommentar 5

  • Ritha Pabon

    Ritha Pabon


    We went to clarify doubts about Colombian processes and documentation and the Consul was extremely rude, arrogant and not cooperative. He treated us rough and with a very bad attitude. Not to mention the secretariat, a person who moves to the beat of an arrogant person and never knows anything, is always in space with supposed ignorance. Unfortunately we will have to return because it is our right as Colombian citizens in Puerto Rico, but we know that we must be prepared to be treated as the worst.

  • Nancy Jimenez

    Nancy Jimenez


    Yes, it is a pity that people from our own country who are here to "give us support" have a little collaborative attitude and do it yourself without empathy for helping ☹️ Malita attention.

  • Wally Lorenzo

    Wally Lorenzo


  • John james Bolaños

    John james Bolaños


  • Salomé Otero&flia

    Salomé Otero&flia


    Terrible service, the two people with a very ugly attitude, do not help solve the doubts .....

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