Enterprise Rent-A-Car i San Juan

Puerto RicoEnterprise Rent-A-Car



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999, Avenida Doctor Ashford, 00907, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 844-794-8599
internet side: enterprise.com
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Latitude: 18.4606995, Longitude: -66.0806404

kommentar 5

  • Miguel Pedroza

    Miguel Pedroza


    Fast service, love it. In and out. Less then 15 minutes once you reserve it on line...beautiful service agents.

  • en

    charles bridges


    The STAFF were amazing, worked with us, helped us in every way possible. Made us feel so comfortable. Had everything ready when we arrived. Explained everything in detail, if something we didn't know they made sure we understood without every making us feel we were annoying them. I say this because I've experienced this in the past. Again i have to mention how awesome the staff were. I will at this point use no other car rental when i travel to PUERTO RICO. THANK YOU FOR SUCH A GREAT EXPERIENCE. Also i should mention i guess the vehicle we were given was great no problems.

  • Brad Criswell

    Brad Criswell


    This location was great. The girls there really seemed to care and asked me questions to be able to recommend places to visit. Great Experience.

  • en

    Ludie Buist


    Amanda and Angie have me the best smiles and service experience at Enterprise. I have rented at Enterprise in many states and this place with these 2 wonderful women have made me book another reservation while I am still here in San Juan. Thank you ladies and Enterprise

  • en

    Nichole Fogleman


    Best experience I have ever had with rental car service. Everyone was so nice and helpful. They even helped us find a church to attend on Easter morning.

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