First English Seventh Day Adventist Church i San Juan

Puerto RicoFirst English Seventh Day Adventist Church


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122, Calle Condado, 00907, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-599-1194
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Latitude: 18.4523005, Longitude: -66.0745657

kommentar 1

  • MonaLisa Leung Beckford

    MonaLisa Leung Beckford


    My husband and I were on vacation on Carnival Cruise. We docked on Saturday 12/23 at San Juan and googled searched for an English SDA church. This is the only English SDA church in the city. I made several random phone calls based on google searches, and finally a lady picked up. She said somebody will come pick us up at the cruise port. Five mins later, an elder from the church called me and said he will come get us. We got to the church and they had a great service, and offered lunch to us too. These people don't know us, yet they treated us like family. Thank you to the elder that picked us up, and everybody else that was friendly and kind to us!

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