FirstBank i Bayamón

Puerto RicoFirstBank



🕗 åbningstider

Rexville Town Center Lote #3 Carr. #167 Km. 0.6, Bayamón, 00957, Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-730-1110
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.3608698, Longitude: -66.1892202

kommentar 5

  • Gloria Perez

    Gloria Perez


    Closing was at 14:00 hours, 16:30 we were waiting the paper work from Headquarters...due to COVID-19 we were force to wait outside or inside of our car temperature was over 90 degrees...

  • Javier Negron

    Javier Negron


    Very good customer service, a lot of patience to go to the branch, be prepared to queue outside.

  • Farmaceutica1973

    [email protected] Farmaceutica1973


    They are the best, the service, employees and their distinguished managers make the difference, they are on the right track A +

  • Myrna Rivera

    Myrna Rivera


    The schedule during the pandemic is lousy or we will have people who work and it is impossible to arrive before the closing time

  • Sheira Santos

    Sheira Santos


    Good afternoon, the worst service I have received, first the ranks of commercial and regular are not divided, and they see you standing where they say commercial, they look at you and continue as if you were not, it is disrespectful, you should put new employees , if they improve, Customer service is the main thing, which they don't do correctly ... 😡

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