Go Taxi Puerto Rico i San Juan

Puerto RicoGo Taxi Puerto Rico



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Calle Barranquitas, San Juan, 00907, Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-955-6666
internet side: gotaxipr.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 18.45851, Longitude: -66.07639

kommentar 5

  • en

    Mark Naples


    Called Go Taxi in the morning and setup my pickup to the airport. Driver confirmed the pickup time arrived right on time. Quick and easy ride to my destination. Thanks Josel and Go Taxi!

  • en

    Nancy Salomone


    We used Go Taxi for 5 different drives during our week stay in Puerto Rico. They communicated plans very well, were always on time, and the drivers were very friendly and helpful. On one trip we had to ask for a stop at a supermarket, and the driver was so kind to accommodate. I recommend them highly!

  • 孟瑶赵



    I communicated with them very efficiently through emails. They response to my contacts very quickly and clear. The price is reasonable. The people are reliable and friendly. I used them 6 times. I'm very satisfied with every service. I'll use them again the next time I go to Puerto Rico.

  • en

    Claudina Maria Reyes Almonte


    One week before my flight to Puerto Rico I made an online reservation from the airport to the fajardo ferry. They called two days before to confirm my reservation. When we landed, our driver Danny text me and told me that he was outside the terminal waiting for me and the whole group of 7 people. We had a great time and he had several good suggestions for us. Thanks Danny and Go Taxi for your professional service.

  • en



    Very happy with the service provided to go to airport at 4am. Quick response and very polite driver. Definitely I will call again for any transportation need.

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