Hacienda Isabel i San Juan

Puerto RicoHacienda Isabel



🕗 åbningstider

201, Calle Sol, 00901, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1-787
internet side: www.isabelcoffee.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 18.4668729, Longitude: -66.1165179

kommentar 5

  • en

    Matthew Boubion


    I have enjoyed this coffee for some years now. But now Hacianda Isabel is selling something else, and packaging it as their own product. I took one sip and knew.

  • el borikano

    el borikano


    Hermoso lugar

  • Griselidy



    El café es divino!!!

  • Shannon Sha

    Shannon Sha


    The guy running the place is very nice and interesting. I bought a bag of their coffee, because it's very good. The mallorca is delicious, and the baguette sandwich my husband got he enjoyed very much. The place is super pretty

  • en

    Nicole Hall


    What a wonderful little place! Their coffee is excellent! They are very knowledgeable about their coffee and are proud to share. The food is delicious! We had the Sea omelette and a Mallorca sweet bread. One of our favorite places to visit in old San Juan that is off the beaten path!

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