Hospital Veterinario Ocean Park i San Juan

Puerto RicoHospital Veterinario Ocean Park



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61, Calle María Moczo, 00911, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-728-2726
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 18.4516286, Longitude: -66.0558102

kommentar 5

  • en

    Sylvia Hunt


    Dr. Cordova I live in Mc Lean VA near Washington DC and adopted a kitten called Amarillo that you examined on July 1, July15 and July 26 -- he managed to be a stowaway on a rescue flight. I adopted the kitten. He is wonderful and pampered.

  • es

    Wilson Batista


    Buen servio trato humano

  • Adela Dávila-Estelritz

    Adela Dávila-Estelritz


    Dr. Hugo Córdova is one of the best veterinarians I've ever met and interviewed. Although on certain occasions we've consulted other veterinarians(afterhours, for example), we ALWAYS come back to him. He is highly competent, honest & trustworthy. He has been our #1 vet por over 20+ years. The staff is VERY nice, also.

  • deeze03



    While there can be a wait the people here are crazy helpful and really seem to care about your pet. They deal with a lot of emergency style situations so the trick is to call first. This is the only place we'll take our cats now.

  • Patricia Medina

    Patricia Medina


    Complete disregard for one's time. The few times I've been there, I've had to spend HOURS in order to be seen by the doctor. I called several times during the day to ask when it would be a good time to take my dog to see the doctor, and they kept telling me to call back....I eventually ended up showing up half an hour before closing time and ended up paying a ludicrous amount of money ($235!) for my dog's indigestion. My dog has had episodes like these before and my previous vet charged a reasonable amount. I was trying to give this vet a second chance since it's located just a few blocks away from my house, but I guess I'm better off paying gas, toll and vet services in Dorado.

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