La Bocateria i San Juan

Puerto RicoLa Bocateria



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313, Calle Recinto Sur, 00901, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-729-2622
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 18.4645265, Longitude: -66.1134142

kommentar 5

  • Francisco Vigil

    Francisco Vigil


    Decent pizza, good appetizers, good ambiance and location within San Juan, solid prices and ample bar space too.

  • en

    Shannon Connelly


    Food and service was excellent!! I highly recommend to anyone in the old San Juan area!!! Prices are great and the food comes out super quick!!

  • en

    Myrna Cobian


    This place is incredible, the service is friendly and excellent. The pizzas, which are baked in a brick oven, are handmade from scratch, and all of the ingredients are fresh and delicious. The taste and freshness are out of this world!! My husband had the Del Cristo with mushrooms added and I had the Sanse Truffle. They say the wait is a bit longer because they are made fresh from scratch, but it was just about the same as that of a regular pizza place, and even if it took a bit longer, it is worth it!! If you are visiting Old San Juan, you have to stop by. Excellent authentic Neapolitan Pizzas, Calzones and sandwiches, with a great variety of drinks to chose from, and the prices are excellent.

  • en

    Kasi V


    Pizza at Bocateria is amazing and the price is very reasonable. While the folks are a little disorganized, they were very friendly and courteous. It is a hidden gem right at the center of Old San Juan. If you are itching for Italian fare and particularly Pizza you can't go wrong with this place.

  • Naisha



    Beautiful place with great customer service and the food is to die for. Definitely a must visit while in Old San Juan.

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