La Cochera i San Juan

Puerto RicoLa Cochera


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207, Calle San Francisco, 00901, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1-787
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Latitude: 18.465729, Longitude: -66.1158783

kommentar 5

  • Laura Ro

    Laura Ro


    Fast paced service. One of the servers was a little unprofessional but that's everywhere in some areas so not that big of a deal. More of a get in get out deal. Food is great.

  • L M C

    L M C


    Good service, 24 hour access in downtown OSJ. Not cheap but best available

  • en

    Tamera Blankenship


    Expensive parking (but there aren't many options). They open late and we didn't see the sign indicating to go around the block - our fault.

  • en

    Lee Tata


    expensive....parking downtown near cruise ship much cheaper and easier access.

  • en

    J C


    Good rates but the space to pull in is VERY tight. You might miss it if you're not looking. **NOTE** if you stop by really early or late and the front gate is closed, go around the corner to pick up your car. See my photo for more details!

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