Mandarin House i San Juan

Puerto RicoMandarin House



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Avenida Doctor Ashford, 00907, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-723-3039
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.4566265, Longitude: -66.0737102

kommentar 5

  • Dylan Gregory

    Dylan Gregory


    This was right across from our hotel so we decided to give it a shot. Needless to say, don’t. The first sign should of been that we were the only people in there at noon on a Friday. Prices are absurdly high. I had beef and broccoli with the house fried rice and it was practically inedible. The fried rice was burnt and tasted disgusting. The beef was possibly not even beef but rather a series rubber bands melted together. No flavor and an incredibly cringe-y texture. Oh and they just throw a side of fries in there too. $30 wasted so don’t bother.

  • Julia Hustler

    Julia Hustler


    Decent Chinese-American food + sushi at expensive, tourist prices. Great, friendly service. The inexpensive menu posted outside does not match the menu inside. Ask for the combo menu for a sparse selection of lunch and dinner combos. Hot and sour soup was tasty, the broth not too thick, and filled with goodies; mu shoo pork was incredibly tender and had good flavor; house fried rice was bland.

  • Gerson Santos

    Gerson Santos


    The service is always so good in this place. I recommend it!

  • Jimmie Mahaffey

    Jimmie Mahaffey


    Food was good except for the onion soup. Host was great and accommodating. Not the prettiest but food was good.

  • en

    eric knudson


    Overpriced standard menu, meal specials posted on window but not included in the menu. Sushi rice was warm. Rolls tasted terrible-even the California roll. How do you mess up something with 3 ingredients?! Orange chicken was not orange- it's a sugary syrup. No free refills on drinks, found that one out on the bill but was not informed ahead of time that we were paying $2.75 per soda can. Automatically adds a 15% tip to bill even when your dinimg party is 2, which is non adjustable and way too much considering you will only see your server 3 times during your visit: to place your order, to get the food, and to collect the check unless you count the time that the server stands by the exit watching and waiting for you to rush through your meal. Don't waste your time or money- I love Chinese food and sushi but this one is worth 0 stars. Too bad google reviews won't let me go that low.

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