Museo del Mar i San Juan

Puerto RicoMuseo del Mar



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360, Calle de San Francisco, 00901, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-977-4461
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Latitude: 18.4663281, Longitude: -66.1128195

kommentar 5

  • lala m

    lala m


    Meaningful and full of history, this place makes me very emotional and will forever have a place in my heart. It's a profound and sinister experience and I promise it's excitingly remarkable

  • Ron Regan

    Ron Regan


    Great little place with a lot of history.

  • Gerardo Rosa

    Gerardo Rosa


    Four stars because it will close and we do not know when they will open again. The staff was very knowledgeable and helpful and because we are an island it needs to be bigger we are surrounded by the sea so there is more that we can tell about it.

  • Jeremy Adamson

    Jeremy Adamson


    This place was SO cool! The guide was excited and knowledgeable about every piece and gladly explained the history and functions of each piece when I asked him. It was a very cool place to visit and if you like history and/or science I would recommend stopping here.

  • Matt Jones

    Matt Jones


    We stopped by for a break from walking and are glad we did. It's a really interesting little museum. It's air conditioned and has decent bathrooms. I recommend checking it out. See if you can find the sword made out of a swordfish!

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