Ponce Plaza Hotel & Casino i Ponce

Puerto RicoPonce Plaza Hotel & Casino



🕗 åbningstider

163, Calle Reina, 00730, Ponce, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-813-5050
internet side: www.ponceplazahotelandcasino.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 18.0122494, Longitude: -66.61471

kommentar 5

  • es

    william rivera


    Bien chevere de lo mejor 😉

  • Abraham Garcia

    Abraham Garcia


    Cada ves que voy al casino quedo encantado con todo. Los empleados son super amables, bien serviciales y atentos a todo. Fui con $30 Y me fui con casi $150 lo que quiere desir es que siempre ganas aunque sea un poco.

  • Dahlia Smith

    Dahlia Smith


    My room was not cleaned. The floor was dirty. The crowning moment was finding the previous occupants' dirty underwear in the closet when I went to hang up my clothes. The air conditioner fluctuates between arctic and uncomfortably warm. No wash cloths are provided; need to ask for it. This was the same for everyone in our travel party!! The shower goes from arctic ice cold to scorching third degree burns scalding hot. I was very disappointed.

  • en

    Denver Martin


    I'm in the beginning of my 10 stay for work. I'm actually writing this review from inside the room... It's hard to think over the noise of the cars on the street outside. I just got back from the front desk where I asked for some coffee for the coffee pot in my room... they made me pay for the coffee. Last night I ate at the restaurant next to the tiny pool. $30 dollars later I was still hungry (I'm only about 150lbs) but the food, small as it was, actually tasted pretty good. Housekeeping has disregarded and now apparently taken away my do not disturb sign. I watched two waiters from the restaurant buy weed in the street beside the hotel... I could go on. Very disappointing.

  • Riquet Aouad

    Riquet Aouad


    The hotel was in a convenient location and looks pretty on the outside. Compared to other options in that same area it is one of the better choices. There were a lot of mosquitoes. The staff was helpful but also lost our reservation. The Casino is tiny -- 1 blackjack table and 2 roulette tables, the rest is all slot machines.

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