Puerto Rican Art & Crafts i San Juan

Puerto RicoPuerto Rican Art & Crafts



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204, Calle de la Fortaleza, 00901, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-725-5596
internet side: puertoricanart-crafts.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 18.4649072, Longitude: -66.1156449

kommentar 5

  • Abigail Toledo

    Abigail Toledo


    Very nice store with PR authentic art and craft. The store smells good and is always clean. The staff is very respectful and kind and they have lots of souvenirs, Tshirts, non-perishable food, sauces and old fashion PR drinks. Good quality items for an affordable price.

  • Carlos Riviera

    Carlos Riviera


    Very nice store, they sell awesome products done by local artesans.

  • Simon Drury

    Simon Drury


    Superb shop with a tastefully selected inventory of many different types of gifts and souvenirs made in Puerto Rico. It is good to see them supporting Puerto Rican artists and artisans. Jewellery, Art, Ceramics, Food, Clothing, Books. You can easily find a gift here. The perfect source of "going away" presents.

  • Colten Rohleder

    Colten Rohleder


    This is an absolutely fantastic local shop with so many different artisanal craft goods, art and jewelry that will make your souvenir shopping a great experience! (Not to mention a one-stop-shop!) The faculty here is wonderful and very helpful and will happily answer any questions you may have, and your purchases help the local artists and are more than worth the effort of finding parking in Old San Juan! Highly recommend!

  • Noemi Sauri

    Noemi Sauri


    A most go in San Juan! They have beautiful pieces from artists from all over the island. Great variety of styles. The employees are very helpful. Every time I go to PR I make sure to stop by and get something.... it never disappoints.

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