Rent the Bicycle i San Juan

Puerto RicoRent the Bicycle



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#100 Del Muelle St Suite 205 Capitolio Plaza Bldg, San Juan, 00901, Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-602-9696
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.4643131, Longitude: -66.1066644

kommentar 5

  • Tony “rentthebicycle” Stgo

    Tony “rentthebicycle” Stgo


    Is an amazing place for all Bicycles Needs Rent, enjoy a bicycle tour and Bicycle repair shop.

  • Jenny Park

    Jenny Park


    My husband and I had the best time on our bicycle tour with Nancy! She was so fun and knew so much about her lovely city. We weren’t too excited about this at first as we aren’t big bicyclists, but we are so glad we did and mostly bc of getting to meet Nancy and hanging out with her for a couple hours!!

  • Jesse Pitzer

    Jesse Pitzer


    I the staff was extremely friendly and the bikes were in great condition. Biking is definitely the best way to hit up a lot of San Juan quickly

  • Faigy Engel

    Faigy Engel


    Prices and service are great! We didn't enjoy using the bikes so much because they only have foot brakes, no back brake on the handle.

  • Alyssa Roberts

    Alyssa Roberts


    This was the only bike rental service still operating despite nearly every business being down due to the earthquakes in early January. This was our last day on the island and we had plans to do the bulk of our shopping, but since most places were without power, we decided to rent bikes and do some exploring instead. We got two hybrid bikes that rode smoothly through the Old San Juan brick streets. This happened to be my favorite of the 12 days we spent in Puerto Rico and its all thanks to rent the bicycle! Would absolutely recommend and use their services again.

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