Sand Dollars Realty, Rentals & Property Management i San Juan

Puerto RicoSand Dollars Realty, Rentals & Property Management



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Avenida Ashford, 00907, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-585-1408
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.4605204, Longitude: -66.0815124

kommentar 5

  • Eric Lu

    Eric Lu


    I was interested in investing in Puerto Rico since 2016. I visited the island 6 times specifically for this purpose. I met 8 real estate professionals to look at various properties. During my visits, I discovered the following challenges until I met Rebecca and Caroline Keller. 1) Only about 30 % of agents speak English and had to find someone for translation. 2) Majority of agents don't like to co-broker as this is unheard of in the mainland. 3) In order to look at a property, I have to call the specific listing agent and the coordination of the visits took an enormous and unnecessary used of times. 4) Most Realtors are too busy for you if they don't see immediate sales or commission. 5) The agents preferred Spanish speaking clients and hence may not be equipped to service English speaking clients. Since July 2017, I have purchased 4 condos and one house. All of these properties through Rebecca and Caroline Keller. Rebecca has made it very easy for me to invest in Puerto Rico as I am a time starved passive investor. She is always available or call me back immediately or within the day. In fact, she also managed all of my properties. Due to my lack of knowledge with the Spanish language, Caroline help me navigate online to pay my taxes while Rebecca help me water, electric, and maintenance aspect of getting properties ready for tenants. They are very organized and extremely courteous. Rebecca and Caroline are exceptional agents and understand the real estate market well in San Juan and throughout the island in areas such as Condado, Isla Verde, Old San Juan, Santurce, Bayamon, Carolina, Guaynabo, Miramar, and west side of the island areas such as Isabela, Aguadilla, and Mayaguez. Rebecca has also been invaluable with contractors to refurbish my properties from minor projects such as installation of the new water faucets, locks, or paintings to major projects such as tree removal, electrification, or sealing water damaged roof. Nothing is too large or small. Rebecca and Caroline will reduce the stress of investment from thousands of miles away. You don't have to take my words for this, your can call them and see for yourself.

  • Jackie Thompson

    Jackie Thompson


    Caroline takes the necessary time to show you options you are looking for. She is thorough and honest but most importantly knowledgeable.




    I flew into San Juan to find a home for my family and to relocate my business from New York. I tried several realtors with disappointing results. Then, I met Caroline at Sand Dollars! She not only found me exactly what I was looking for, she went above and beyond to help me become comfortable with the community! She showed me great restaurants, beautiful beaches, even helped me find a great Church. I’m only rating Sand Dollars 5 stars because the system doesn’t allow me to give 10 stars. Absolutely the best service in Puerto Rico! Highly Recommend!

  • Paddy R

    Paddy R


    Terrible service! Rebecca and Caroline found a tenant who pays very low rent and creates trouble for residents at the complex. I am spending $1500 to evict this tenant. When the trouble started, I asked them to talk to the tenant and see if she'll vacate. They didn't bother to respond! They took the lease renewal fees for the whole year! While they are not legally obligated to help once the lease is signed, in my opinion it shows bad customer service.

  • Kritzia Lopez

    Kritzia Lopez


    Super responsive and diligent. They posses knowledge of real estate all around the island not just metro area. Excellent customer service. 10/10 would totally recommend.

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