Subway i San Juan

Puerto RicoSubway



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100 Grand Boulevard Paseos, Space #105, San Juan, 00926, Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-760-3573
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.3567277, Longitude: -66.0636751

kommentar 5

  • Yarilia Cristina Huerta

    Yarilia Cristina Huerta


    After they are slow, the employees are rude. The tortilla burned, you ask for mayonnaise and I swear it will be deducted from your salary. Ghastly presentation. They are sloppy. Then the one who makes the sandwich puts on her gloves, closes the door that gives access to the food preparation area and begins to prepare them. Illogical.

  • Emilio Garcia

    Emilio Garcia


    Today we went to the Walks ... bad, very bad experience ... My husband ordered two breakfasts. One omelette on the plate Another one of tortilla in bread. When she realized that instead of an omelette in sight it looked like a mess ... she reminded the employee and her answer was that the pans were old ... that the egg stuck and that it came out like this !!! The egg was bad and gritty I couldn't eat breakfast. You couldn't eat that, the toast bread was very old. I told my husband and he went to tell him so he wouldn't continue to use it with other people. It was gritty with no flavor. Bad for others. The treatment of the employee was difficult. We left there with no desire to return. Bring attention. They are not doing well. We are old people who do not want to get rotten egg poisoning. I hope they improve for the good of your business. SOS SOS SOS SOS SOS SOS SOX

  • Josuan Estrada

    Josuan Estrada


    They do you good

  • rita estevez

    rita estevez


    Bad service, what a shame since Subway is one of my favorites, the girl who attended me with a mask, as in a bad mood, they had no ingredients, no pasta Alfredo, the pizza was given to me cold from the fridge, inside, I had to ask It will warm me up again. The taste was not the customary to try. The same one that attended to me was served cleaning wakala !! mapping. I'm so sorry for all this.

  • Hector Mendez

    Hector Mendez


    Good pizza

nærmeste Måltid takeaway

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