The Wave Hotel i San Juan

Puerto RicoThe Wave Hotel



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76, Avenida Condado, 00907, San Juan, PR Portoryko
kontakter telefon: +1 787-721-9010
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.4538747, Longitude: -66.0734861

kommentar 5

  • Jen Lin

    Jen Lin


    Super friendly hotel staff, rooftop bar with two jacuzzi... Only problem was we were told the Jacuzzis get cleaned every morning but one of the was clearly not cleaned when we went to get in.

  • en

    alo white


    If you don't do anything else here, order from/go to the restaurant. Their food is delicious, especially the brownie and coffee ice cream. This hotel is super convenient in it's location and the hot tubs at the top added a nice and romantic touch. Is about an eight minute walk from the beach. Only not giving it 5 stars because the bathroom is quite small, but other than that, totally worth the stay.

  • en

    Victor A


    Checked in the Wave hotel couple days ago. Really like it. Very friendly crue. Great view from the rooftop where we can hang out with our friends, have some drinks and enjoy the San Juan from the top. Room are a little small but very clean. Beds comfortable. Overall highly recommend

  • en

    Tia Calixte


    Great hole in the wall hotel. We found this deal on Groupon last year and stayed here to celebrate my 30th. The hotel was pretty clean, staff was great; however, parking in front if the hotel was limited. I loved that it was walking distance to the beach and near the hang out spots. This is a great place to stay if you just need somewhere to sleep, nothing exciting to do at the hotel. My deal included breakfast which was a plus. Would definitely stay here again

  • en

    Keyla Cancel


    The hotel looks nice and has good amenities like jacuzzi and free continental breakfast. Staff was very nice. We got a room that had an adjoining door and we could hear the people in the next room as if they were in ours. We heard clear conversations, their entire Fast Furious movie and even heard them snore. Good thing we were only staying for the one night. The room is nice has everything you could need (fridge, coffee maker, tv) and the bed is very comfortable, however we could see old blood stains through the white sheets. Other than the stains the room was very clean. Rooms with adjoining doors should have better sound proofing and get rid of the stains and I'll give the hotel the 5-stars rating I want to give it.

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