USPS Post Office i Bayamón

Puerto RicoUSPS Post Office



🕗 åbningstider

Victory Shopping Center, Bayamón, 00959, Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-787-2235
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.3793235, Longitude: -66.1728477

kommentar 5

  • RICO1659



    In my opinion there are very helpful attends the line very fast I never had a problem with him. Hope they keep it that way.

  • Elizabeth Rubio

    Elizabeth Rubio


    Great staff, very friendly and knowledgeable. Lines move fast. Place is always clean and organized.

  • Danny4 Castillo

    Danny4 Castillo


    Bayamon Gardens is the best small Post Office in PR Toa Alta post office the worst they have their own rules

  • Japhet Ortiz

    Japhet Ortiz


    great post office great Service is a five star rating love to send mail and buy stamps here in Bayamon Victory Shopping Center

  • Eduardo Rivera

    Eduardo Rivera


    This is where my packages come. And the service is fast no matter how full it is. Excellent service. Employees very friendly and helpful.

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