Walgreens i San Juan

Puerto RicoWalgreens



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1963, Calle Loíza, 00911, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-728-0033
internet side: www.walgreens.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 18.4517588, Longitude: -66.0549195

kommentar 5

  • Xavier Palacios

    Xavier Palacios


    Love love love this Walgreens. They have lots of beers for an average Walgreens. Prices are average Walgreens. They also have good variety of snacks, ice creams, etc.. Parking is huge with a lot of space. People working here all speak English and Spanish, so come visit comfy they’ll understand you lol Hint: they always have some good discounts. Look around before you buy it.

  • Kaarin Kaaihue

    Kaarin Kaaihue


    I have only been here since the hurricanes/running on generator instead of power so it had reduced hours and limited items but employees are nice, they try to keep the line moving quickly and help cashier in the makeup and photo departments. convenient location even though sometimes parking is full and you have to wait doubleparked for someone to leave. hopefully we will have power back soon and then it would be worth 5 stars.

  • Megan Spradlin

    Megan Spradlin


    This is only in reference to the pharmacy... we've been TWICE when it was closed! This is a 24-hour Walgreens and the same applies to the pharmacy. I can't believe Walgreens corporate would allow this to happen... (and super frustrating to see a girl behind the counter just ignoring our calls- so rude)

  • Javier Nuñez

    Javier Nuñez


    Very nice place its have everything you need open 24

  • JB Benitez

    JB Benitez


    Great location and well organized. Employees are very friendly.

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