A & J Adventure Inc. - Parasail Puerto Rico i Fajardo

Puerto RicoA & J Adventure Inc. - Parasail Puerto Rico



🕗 åbningstider

200, Avenida Marina View, 00738, Fajardo, Sardinera, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-470-5000
internet side: www.parasail-puertorico.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 18.3418485, Longitude: -65.6377349

kommentar 5

  • en

    Edwin Lugo


  • en

    R Allen


    Awesome little small business. Captain Joey and his first mate Mio (sp?) made my first ever parasailing a trip to remember. Very good people here. Give them a visit when in Puerto Rico and looking for parasailing fun. A little difficult to find, but we'll worth the effort!

  • en

    Isabel Delgado


    Great experience super professional crew

  • Mar Bla

    Mar Bla


    Great experience, he was very knowledgeable. Just for your info he only takes cash so plan accordingly. If it is your first time he will put you at ease. If you do not want to be dipped in the water just let him know. Overall you will enjoy yourself. Have fun!!!!

  • JD Kilgallin

    JD Kilgallin


    A little pricey but very fun and a great view. Location is accurate, just go down into the marina and look for the green/orange boat.

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