Allied Car & Truck Rental i Carolina

Puerto RicoAllied Car & Truck Rental



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5910, Avenida Isla Verde, 00979, Carolina, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-728-3806
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.4432204, Longitude: -66.025959

kommentar 5

  • Eva Torruella

    Eva Torruella


    Horrible. If you want to get ripped off come here. Michael Blanco is the worst.

  • Lara Torruella

    Lara Torruella


    DO NOT RENT HERE!!! TOTAL SCAM!! After renting with this company I am extremely disappointed and unsatisfied. Furthermore, employee Michael Blanco was extremely inefficient and rude. TOTAL SCAM!!! IT IS A RIPOFF! DO NOT RENT!

  • sophia Gammarino

    sophia Gammarino


    DAMAGE SCAM, UNFAIRLY CHARGED HUNDREDS. DONT RENT. I came to visit PR and chose to rent with this company despite the horrible reviews. I am completely UNSATISFIED with this service, as I believe I am being scammed. There was a parking lot filled with cars that were apparently all unavailable, so I had to settle for a vehicle not up to my standards. Before renting, the bumper was dented. Despite paying for insurance, upon return, I was charged $600 for a “scuff” that Employee Michael Blanco claimed to be my fault. He insisted I pay an insurmountable amount of money for a nonexistent damage. After trying to negotiate while he used evidence from unclear and dark photos he took before renting, he threatened to call the police and unjustly charge me. Incredibly rude, invasive, dishonest, and impulsive. I am BEYOND disappointed in the outcome of this experience.

  • Samad Soto

    Samad Soto


    I went back in February forgot to leave a review but great customer service very helpful. The car was perfect I can’t remember the gentlemans name but again thank you 🙏

  • Loren Foxx

    Loren Foxx


    Miguel was excellent. Great guy, very earnest and hardworking. The only issue is that when I went to return the car no one was there. The car was also covered with bird poop when I got it but that made it easier to find. Also, the shuttle was not available when I needed to get back to the airport. But Miguel was awesome.

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