ASC Centro de Servicio Cupey i San Juan

Puerto RicoASC Centro de Servicio Cupey



🕗 åbningstider

Carr, Puerto Rico 199, 00926, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-622-4242
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.357219, Longitude: -66.0616373

kommentar 5

  • Rafael Rivera Papin

    Rafael Rivera Papin


    They advised me and told me how to resolve the problem but point guard didnt want to give me a letter So ASC would resolve my case.

  • Edgar Rivera

    Edgar Rivera


    Very goid service..

  • Diego Muniz

    Diego Muniz


    I’ve had a real bad experience with ASC and I would not recommend anyone to sign un for this business. They have a service in which you sent all the paper work by WhatsApp and they appraise your car by the pictures you send them but the problem with this is that they purposely underestimate your vehicle to a ridiculous appraisal. I’ve gone to 3 collision shops and their estimate for my 2018 Outlander repairs are over $3,000 and ASC only will pay $1,100.00 for the repairs and I’m like, seriously hue will fix it for that money? No one will MF😡😡😡

  • Nacho



    Really bad site and phone service. Do not recommend. 0/10 no respect or time given.

  • katiti0216



    really nice clean place. helps one out in orientacion quickly.

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