Aurorita i San Juan

Puerto RicoAurorita



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303, Avenida de Diego, 00920, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-783-2899
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.415665, Longitude: -66.0889381

kommentar 5

  • José Oliver-Didier

    José Oliver-Didier


    One of the best Mexican Restaurants on the island of Puerto Rico. Popular for business lunches, as well as with families on the weekends. Quick service and with great margaritas, this place is popular for people of all ages. Online ordering is also available, as well as quick carry out with a side entrance ordering window.

  • en

    Eric Osthoff


    I don't give many 5's. Awesome house margaritas, great service, the best pico de g allo I've ever had, top-notch fish ceviche (which I'm really picky about), and solid Mexican entrees. The best Mexican restaurant Ive been to in Metro San Juan.

  • Gerardo J. González Torres

    Gerardo J. González Torres


    Great authentic Mexican restaurant. The food and the service are great but the place is usually packed so come prepared to wait about 30-45 minutes to be seated if your party is over 4 people.

  • en

    vilma sanchez


    Used to be my favorite Mexican rest in Puerto Rico but last time wasn't at the best. Good food anyway. Personal should pay more attention to customers.

  • Valeria De La Rosa

    Valeria De La Rosa


    Sunday they had mariachi singing! It was great service and food. Strongly recommended!

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