Auto Shine Car Wash i San Juan

Puerto RicoAuto Shine Car Wash



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1954, Calle McLeary, 00911, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-218-1445
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.4521721, Longitude: -66.055098

kommentar 5

  • Jose Alberto Lara Gonzalez

    Jose Alberto Lara Gonzalez


    12:30 pm, they said 40 min for a car wash. Enough to have lunch next door. Came back a bit after 1 hour and they were just getting started. 2 hours later, still waiting. Left at 2:45pm. Not coming back to spend another $30 for this car wash.

  • Laura P.

    Laura P.


    Left the car 3 hours and paid 45 plus tip for wash and wax, and it was the worst job anybody has ever given me at a car wash. Car was full of dust and dirt, window glass stained, and the window sill was full of leaves. The job was done extremely poorly and not inspected.

  • Tony Montana

    Tony Montana


    STOLE MY APPLE iWATCH AND CHANEL COLOGNE!!!! I went to get my rental car cleaned I specifically asked the guys to only vacuum and clean out doors and to not touch and baggage or middle console. As I walked next door to a phenomenal bakery they proceeded to doing what I asked them not to do both emphasized in Spanglish and English. When I got back to my car my Apple I watch and Chanel cologne was stolen I asked manager right away where’s my belongings and all he could say was whatever was in there is in there!! DON NOT GET YOUR CAR WATSHED BY THESE GUYS UNLESS U WANT STUFF STOLEN OR MAKE SURE YOU TAKE ALL ALL ALL VALUABLES WITH YOU PRIOR TO DROPPING OFF!!!!

  • Jacqueline b

    Jacqueline b


    After calling multiple times. They decided to close at 4:00. One guy on his iPhone while the other one cleaning for closing.

  • Nelson Gómez

    Nelson Gómez


    Best car wash ever!!!

nærmeste Bilvask

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