AutoLux Domenech i San Juan

Puerto RicoAutoLux Domenech



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128, Avenida Ingeniero Manuel Domenech, 00918, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-398-2111
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.4153199, Longitude: -66.0587937

kommentar 5

  • Christopher Matos

    Christopher Matos


    Good people and friendly. They leave impeccable cars like new.

  • Janice López

    Janice López


    They leave me the car impeccable as new. They are taking COVID prevention measures

  • Lissette A. Paulino

    Lissette A. Paulino


    Good people. Good services

  • Ileana Merino

    Ileana Merino


    Better services with good prices. Excellent work.

  • Zaheer M

    Zaheer M


    I have never had so much trouble in a car wash 🤦🏽‍♂️ I got the glass stained with fingers and the glass in front was cleaned with a dirty cloth that I had to clean it again when I got home, the rings "supposedly" They washed and were full of dust Of 5 employees, only 1 had a mask on properly, the others speak to you without a mask or leave it on their jaw🤬 I'm not coming back

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