Aventuras Tierra Adentro, Inc. i San Juan

Puerto RicoAventuras Tierra Adentro, Inc.



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268, Avenida Jesús Toribio Piñero, 00927, San Juan, Hato Rey Sur, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-766-0470
internet side: www.aventurastierraadentro.net
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 18.407341, Longitude: -66.064125

kommentar 5

  • Rosemary Bramante

    Rosemary Bramante


    This is an awesome store. If you are a local, or tourist trying to enjoy the outdoor activities like camping, hiking, rock climbing or spelunking this is the store to go to.

  • en

    Kathy White


    Absolutely amazing adventure! We came to Puerto Rico solely to do this trip and it didn't disappoint. The staff is extremely friendly, fun and safety conscious. Every detail from start to finish is planned out and spectacular, I can't say enough good things. Make sure you dress appropriately and are in good physical condition, it is not for the faint of heart!

  • P.R. Tours

    P.R. Tours


    Everything you need for adventure they have it .

  • Katie Starr

    Katie Starr


    Absolutely spectacular! Our guides were incredibly knowledgeable, took our SAFETY SERIOUSLY, and ensured that all finished with a sense of achievement. At the end of our trek I wanted to do everything all over again! If you are wondering if this is the adventure for you make sure that you are comfortable with the idea of/physically capable of crawling, climbing, scrambling, jumping, hanging, and rappelling. I had never done anything like this before but the team put my anxieties to rest, getting me excited to explore a new world! I honestly cannot say enough amazing things about them!

  • Alyssa Russell

    Alyssa Russell


    I'm getting all teary-eyed just thinking this LIFE-CHANGING experience and the incredible team who makes it happen for you!!!! THANK YOU for challenging me out of my comfort zone and helping me conquer my fears!!!! My advice is, you MUST plan to do this adventure. Even if you weren't planning to go to Puerto Rico, schedule a trip there to do it. You must challenge yourself, and you will be rewarded. Conquering fears of claustrophobia and heights was something I had wanted to do for a long time, and the format of this trip paired with the incredible team of guides, made it easier than I could have ever imagined. I will never forget this, and will be eternally grateful to the team for their hard work that day. Still smiling :) **SEE MY TRIP ADVISOR OR YELP REVIEW FOR MY FULL NOTATION OF THE EXPERIENCE - Google limits the character count of reviews**

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