Balneario El Escambrón i San Juan

Puerto RicoBalneario El Escambrón


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San Juan, 00907, Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-449-5672
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Latitude: 18.4672529, Longitude: -66.0899044

kommentar 5

  • en

    Victor Wilhelm


    This is a beautiful beach sheltered from the rough surf. Relatively clean and well maintained for PR. $5 to park a car which is a bargain in San Juan. Bathrooms and places to wash your feet. Great beach combing and snorkeling await you. #travelformortals

  • Carrie Kargel

    Carrie Kargel


    Great beach with one area for swimming that feels safer than some others because it is protected by a rock barrier breaking some of the more intense waves.

  • Marcella Weinberg

    Marcella Weinberg


    Tropical fish swimming around you, especially by the rocks. Bring a mask. Shady palm trees too. Beautiful spot!

  • Rob Villacres

    Rob Villacres


    A beach with something for everyone. For surfers, there’s a reef break to paddle out to. Protected lagoons for swimming, decent reef for snorkeling, historic batteries from 500 years ago, and food huts that sell alcohol reasonably. This balneario (public beach) has a few dollars parking fee, or just bike here for free. (Coqui Del Mar guest house has free bikes). It’s worth checking out and walkable to Old San Juan.

  • Patrick Hediger

    Patrick Hediger


    Nice public beach. The access is free but if you come by car there is a fee. It is about five dollar. The beach is very popular with the locals. The sun in Puerto Rico is very strong. If you want a place in the shade of the trees come early. There are lifeguards working at the beach. The sand can get very hot so be careful to not burn your feet.

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