Barbacoa Smokehouse & Eatery i San Juan

Puerto RicoBarbacoa Smokehouse & Eatery



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2422, Calle Loíza, 00913, San Juan, PR Portoryko
kontakter telefon: +1 939-204-0040
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Latitude: 18.4509936, Longitude: -66.0411455

kommentar 5

  • Alexander Babenchuk

    Alexander Babenchuk


    Very good. The pastrami sandwich is pretty good, so is the chicken.

  • Frank Aquino Ruiz

    Frank Aquino Ruiz


    La comidanmuy rica. El olor a madera se hace sentir. Como debe ser un smokehouse. Las costillas St Louis un exito.

  • en

    Norma Lora


    Excellent food and service. Great Clam Chowder and chili Fish of the day was salmon great! Sweet potatoes fries out of this world

  • en

    Spencer Olson


    This place is phenomenal! Just had dinner here. Started with their homemade, from scratch, Key Lime Pie! Because eating dessert is one of the benefits of being an adult. Also, that’s how you save room for dessert! Had their hand-cut Ribeye, with sautéed red onions, and homemade coleslaw. The garlic butter sauce complimented the steak. Was so good, all that remained was the small trimmings of fat. Washed it all down with a Cerveza. Walked out with a full belly and a whole Key Lime Pie! Come here and enjoy a hearty meal. Angel and his staff will not disappoint! Strength and Honor!

  • Kaarin Kaaihue

    Kaarin Kaaihue


    they remained open with a generator when huracán irma y maria knocked out power and they also suffered a bit of damage but they cleaned up quickly and stayed in business. amazing staff. food is good.

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