Ben & Jerry’s i Guaynabo

Puerto RicoBen & Jerry’s



🕗 åbningstider

Urban Train Railroad Line, 00966, Guaynabo, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-793-3659
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.3913809, Longitude: -66.1180668

kommentar 5

  • Alexandra I. Betancourt

    Alexandra I. Betancourt


    Hey! I really love your store ♥️♥️♥️ ...but i keep telling people i used to go to your store for lunch and eat a really good burger. Nobody believes me since it doesn’t show on your website menu; I’ve been looking everywhere for proof but i cant find any!! Can you please confirm or deny this??? Thank you!!!

  • Maria Nissenbaum

    Maria Nissenbaum


    Awesome! Great selections of ice cream. You will enjoy every bite. Family friendly.

  • Kimberley Morales

    Kimberley Morales


    Bad. They Charge you 1st. Yesterday I was looking for the flavors and they said- You have to pay 1st. I told him, Sorry but I need to check what flavors I will get b4 paying anything. Duh! Are they Morons! No offense but really.

  • Vigermina Berrios

    Vigermina Berrios


    Love this Ice Cream place. I got the Blondie Vanilla, Salted Caramel. The people working there are very nice and cordial.

  • Elias Santiago

    Elias Santiago


    Great Ice Cream and shakes! Definitely recommended place to visit if you're around. Hospitality and attention to detail have kept up, even while being established here for many years. You must go and try out your favorite B&J flavors!

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