Biblioteca de Derecho i San Juan

Puerto RicoBiblioteca de Derecho


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San Juan, 00917, Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1-787
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Latitude: 18.4070165, Longitude: -66.0477474

kommentar 2

  • Verso AF

    Verso AF


    First, I'm a student of Law at this school. Second, this library's resources are great. There's an inherent respect for silence and its' doors are open to a wide array of people; I don't have to fear not having access to online databases once I graduate. On the other hand, the security is lacking. Theft is all too common, so don't leave your materials lying around.

  • Jaythan Rodriguez

    Jaythan Rodriguez


    Great law resources accompanied by good service from the staff. It's so good, that a lot of students that are not in law school or even in the UPR system flood the place. Minus 1 star because it's way too cold in some areas and poorly illuminated in others.

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