Blue Diamond Luxury i San Juan

Puerto RicoBlue Diamond Luxury



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250, Calle de la Fortaleza, 00901, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-977-5555 ext. 330
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.4650973, Longitude: -66.114975

kommentar 5

  • Shannon Sniezek

    Shannon Sniezek


    Do not buy an engagement ring from here. I purchased a two tone band with a center stone from here in July. Less than 2 weeks later the center stone fell out. Got it replaced from the most reputable jeweler back home, not 3 days later a stone fell out of the band. Completely disgusted from my experience here. I went to Tiffany’s first and was referred here by the woman at Tiffany’s, really was expecting so much more.

  • Papo Ruiz

    Papo Ruiz


    The best thing about this place is the customer service and value of their jewelry. Maggie is very knowledgeable of the jewelry and goes above and beyond to give you the best service! I went there to get something for my wife for our 30 year anniversary and she’s so happy with her stone! I ended up buying myself a present too! Love my new ring! I can’t say enough about the customer service I received from Maggie. We will go back , love Blue Diamond....... Thank you for your outstanding customer service Maggie!

  • Alfred Valdivieso

    Alfred Valdivieso


    Hello! It was a wonderful experience! We all are extremely excited with the items purchased. The staff was great and patient. It was an unusual day with an unexpected outcome. We are very pleased! Thank you Alfred Valdivieso

  • Camille Rigau

    Camille Rigau


    I absolutely love Blue Diamond's variety of jewelry brands for all price points. The service is personalized and catered to the shoppers needs. I have gone on different occasions and the service provided by Misha, Rajesh and Luis is exceptional. Definitely consider this as your first stop for engagement ring shopping or year round gifts as for nothing beats their curb side pick up.

  • Jose Lopez

    Jose Lopez


    Very happy!! Buy the watch you wanted and at a good price. I want to thank Mrs. Maggie Martinez for her excellent service and very professional treatment. I will recommend it with my friends!! Thank you!!

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