Bodyplex Fitness Adventure i San Juan

Puerto RicoBodyplex Fitness Adventure


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Calle San Claudio, 00926, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-620-0820
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Latitude: 18.3798205, Longitude: -66.0538003

kommentar 5

  • D Torres

    D Torres


    Le doy 5 estrellas cuando arreglen el aire acondicionado.Un calor infernal. Los dueños deben darle más cariño a ese gym.

  • es

    Valke Mercado


    Accesible, seguro, limpio, agradable.

  • es

    Seth Master


    Buen gym. 100 por 3 meses. Bastante completo. Es más fit que pesas pero tienen de casi todo. Tienen muchas clases grupales y cuido de niños.

  • en

    Rafael Benitez


    Large loor plan.

  • en

    mel badillo


    NEEDS TO IMPROVE.... A word that I would use to describe this gym is hazardous. The majority of the weight machines and elliptical machines are DETERIORATED, BROKEN DOWN and do NOT receive proper maintenance. Its also too crowded for the amount of machines that are functional. There is always a wait time to use the machines. I would of given it one star, however receives an additional star thanks to the classes they provide and their instructors. When I can't workout because the lack of working machines available, at least I can take one of the classes with their wonderful instructors. That is the only reason I continue attending. There aren't many gyms in the area, so I have to settle for it. At least is cheap... (maybe that explains why it's current conditions). This gym needs improvement; AND A LOT OF IT !!!!

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