Cabrera Car and Truck Rental Hatillo Puerto Rico i Hatillo

Puerto RicoCabrera Car and Truck Rental Hatillo Puerto Rico



🕗 åbningstider

Puerto Rico 2, 00614, Carrizales, Hatillo, PR Portoryko
kontakter telefon: +1 787-333-8444
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.4849868, Longitude: -66.7725715

kommentar 4

  • en

    manuel mendoza


    Had a very positive experience. Rented from them in Carolina & Hatillo. Awesome service.

  • en

    JUAN Moczo


    Great service. Cars in good condition. Very positive experience.

  • James Torres

    James Torres


    In reality 0 stars; One star because it will not let me post with without any stars. Big Deception for such a renamed company with a very poor customer service if any. (Rental date was for 06/10/2016) Reservation done with more than 6 months in advance, unit not available a month or soo before the event and we found out about this because we called 2 days before to make sure everything was OK. No other option given at the moment of this call since the person who helped us didn't have access to see if any other units where available for that date, so we were instructed to call the next day and so we did all day NO answer finally somebody called us (this was around 5 PM the day before we were supposed to pick up the unit) To notify us that there was no vehicle for us.... What are the options? we asked. !NONE! no options knowing that the unit was not available a month or so before. The person who called us was mean and rude. Cabrera Rental has other rental locations very easily they could of appointed us to another location or instead to shine in customer service excellence could gotten another car from another location. But NO, seems like saying "No Options Avialble" is easier. That was the quality of customer service offered to us just as simple as that "No Options Avialble"..... So beware you might get stranded.

  • en

    Karleen Irizarry


    Best prices in the north area and great personal working there. Location is accesible.

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