Café Patria i San Juan

Puerto RicoCafé Patria



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#975, Avenida Américo Miranda, 00926, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-697-7021
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Latitude: 18.3999524, Longitude: -66.073128

kommentar 5

  • Ruben Moreno

    Ruben Moreno


    Excellent atmosphere and grate place & employees.

  • Gibert Malave

    Gibert Malave


    Great coffe

  • Humberto Roman

    Humberto Roman


    Best coffee and breakfast place in the area

  • Ivonne Ortiz

    Ivonne Ortiz


    The staff is very attentive and were smiling all the time which was very nice. Had a Turkey breast croissant sandwich. Very good with a generous amount of Turkey. Frppe was God and the whipped cream seemed to be made there from scratch. Nice ambiance with relaxing music. Overall good experience.

  • Bernell King

    Bernell King


    Great fruit frappe with cream! Very good sandwich (pork and turkey). Very friendly and helpful service. Worked there all day, free wifi and working power outlets. Since I was there all day, the smoke from the grill bothered my nose/sinuses but other guests seemed fine who were not there long. Highly recommended this place.

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