Caribbean Cinemas i Barceloneta

Puerto RicoCaribbean Cinemas


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1, Premium Outlets Boulevard, 00617, Barceloneta, Florida Afuera, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-846-5052
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.436328, Longitude: -66.5394138

kommentar 5

  • Luis Rodriguez

    Luis Rodriguez


    They have a Drive in cinema and was a good experience.

  • rayne drop

    rayne drop


    The price is pretty good but you soon find out that the theater reeks of mildew, I had to leave after being in there for ten minutes. I could also hear water dripping all around me from the ceiling. They need to deep clean the carpets and redo the seats because cleaning the mildew will take ages. I understand its been closed for quite a while but, before exposing paying customers to unhealthy conditions, take the right measures.

  • Juan Eduardo Ramirez

    Juan Eduardo Ramirez


    I like the arcade games they looked fun. The theater i was in had squeaky chairs. They need to improve them.

  • Hector R.

    Hector R.


    Nice organization, comfort seating and novice screen & audios; great for a wonderful day with my 👪 🎂

  • Alba Ramos

    Alba Ramos


    Its situated in a good place where you have great restaurants to eat and the outlets near by if you want to go shopping while waiting for your movie

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