Carolina Bowling Center i Carolina

Puerto RicoCarolina Bowling Center



🕗 åbningstider

2873, Avenida Campo Rico, 00983, Carolina, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-257-4305
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.4180862, Longitude: -65.9797516

kommentar 5

  • Glenda V

    Glenda V


    It was ok, NO such thing as great service there. 😭 Attendants just don't care... ✅Pros: 🎳 Dividers every 2 lanes 🎳 Clean ⛔Cons❌ 👟No shoe rental 🎳Not enough balls under 10lbs. Balls are cracked Lanes get stuck and they don't add more time to replace time lost. 🎯Game area was out of order 🥵Restroom was hot, no AC 🍕Pizza is terrible

  • Raul O. Serrano

    Raul O. Serrano


    Our line was not working properly, they had to change us to another line but they didn't wanted to add additional time to our clock even with all the interruptions and lost time. Personal on Sunday was rude to us, food on the other hand was good but not enough to compensate for the overall bad experience.

  • Josué Gonzalez

    Josué Gonzalez


    Lanes keep breaking and employes are really rude, we had to go to the counter several times for them to fix the lines.

  • Krishna Vamsi

    Krishna Vamsi


    Glitchy machines. Interrupted our experience.

  • Joshua williams

    Joshua williams


    Great place to get your hair braided by the one & only LA Shorty

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