Castiel Expresso i Guaynabo

Puerto RicoCastiel Expresso



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Metro Office Park, Guaynabo, 00966, Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-925-1911
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.4159119, Longitude: -66.106333

kommentar 5

  • Di CA

    Di CA


    Good coffee!

  • Pablo C. Penaloza

    Pablo C. Penaloza


    Great coffee, quesitos not bad! Food and sandwiches ok!! service could improve a LOT, most people that work there seem to be having a bad day, or they hate to work there, I have not been able to figure it out!

  • Diego Muniz

    Diego Muniz


    Apollo Express is traditionally a bakery but they make lunch, coffee and you can also get some drinks & bear. The food is great and they make some pretty good sandwiches. They also have some pastries with the traditional puertorican Quesitos! 😋

  • Eila Velez

    Eila Velez


    Location is extremely convenient. Food choices and quality are ok. The really bad rating is due to their service. The staff is extremely rude specially the cashiers. Shame they’re the only cafeteria in the area but there are many really awesome food trucks nearby.

  • D Chan

    D Chan


    The coffee is really good! The prices are very good for the area. They sell a 2-foot long quesito that is out of this world! The owner is kind of mean and speaks to her staff very rudely! Otherwise the staff are very friendly. The service is slow and I was served raw chicken breast a couple of times.

nærmeste Cafe

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