Catedral Basilica Menor de San Juan Bautista i San Juan

Puerto RicoCatedral Basilica Menor de San Juan Bautista



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151, Calle del Cristo, 00902, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-722-0861
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.4656299, Longitude: -66.117988

kommentar 5

  • Lana Hoang

    Lana Hoang


    We arrived around 350 and a employee came up to us and said they're closed (we speak Spanish). No problem. We walked down and sat on the bench across the church to give ourselves some leg break. 5 minutes I look over and the same employee is letting everybody else in... okay

  • Charles Somervill

    Charles Somervill


    Very beautiful place with historical significance. Not much of a church person myself, but well worth the visit.

  • Christian Williams

    Christian Williams


    Beautiful cathedral with a warm and welcoming spirit about it. Hoping they are able to fund the restoration project.

  • Barthold Leonidas

    Barthold Leonidas


    Beautiful church. Amazing window stain, statues and murals. In restoration. Limited access due to COVID-19. Features a floating crucifix.

  • C S

    C S


    Beautiful on the inside. Not so much on the outside. Thought it was closed because of how run down it looked. A lot of history here.

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