Cementerio Municipal Palo Seco i Palo Seco, Toa Baja, Puerto Rico

Puerto RicoCementerio Municipal Palo Seco


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Palo Seco, Toa Baja, Puerto Rico, Toa Baja 00949, Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1-787
internet side: www.toabaja.com
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Latitude: 18.4562861, Longitude: -66.150029

kommentar 1

  • Japhet Ortiz

    Japhet Ortiz


    Great Cemetery Great Service form the people of Municipio of Toa BAja Toa Baja is known as the “City of the Toa Valleys,” the “Underwater City” and the “People of the Plains.” The patron saint is San Pedro Apóstol. The municipality is approximately 62.4 square kilometers (24 square miles) in area and has 94,085 residents (2000 Census), who are called toabajeños. Its territory is divided into the sectors of Toa Baja Pueblo, Sabana Seca, Palo Seco, Campanillas, San José, Ingenio, Candelaria and Media Luna. During the late 20th century, the dominant industries in the municipality were manufacturing of metal, plastic, concrete, textiles, electronic products and liquor. Fruit is also grown and dairy cattle are raised here. According to the Department of Agriculture (2002), Toa Baja had only three farms, which represents a decrease of 86 percent from the 22 that existed in 1998. Toa Baja is bordered on the north by the Atlantic ocean, on the west by the municipality of Dorado, on the south by Toa Alta and on the east by the municipalities of Cataño and Bayamón. Geographically, it is part of the region called the northern coastal plain. Its land is very fertile. The municipality’s hydrological system consists of La Plata (Toa) River, the longest river on the island, and the Cocal canal and various streams.

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