Centro de Gobierno de Trujillo Alto Trujillo i Trujillo Alto

Puerto RicoCentro de Gobierno de Trujillo Alto Trujillo



🕗 åbningstider

46, Calle Muñoz Rivera, 00976, Trujillo Alto, Trujillo Alto, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-761-0172
internet side: www.trujilloalto.pr
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 18.352336, Longitude: -66.006578

kommentar 5

  • Ricardo David Jusino Rosario

    Ricardo David Jusino Rosario


    The center of government of the city of Trujillo Alto, shows with all its splendor, the progress and dedication that generations of the past, together with others of the present, have made possible to make this city a great city. It is enough to see their urban development to understand the greatness of the dedication that men and women have put in benefit of all. Progress is evident! ... It is like a great inheritance that lasts for the collective good.

  • Elimaris Fuentes

    Elimaris Fuentes


    There is nobody in the row. But still they do not call you to collect. Terrible service. They do not value those who have to go out to work.

  • Luis A Rodriguez Cifredo

    Luis A Rodriguez Cifredo


    FEMA DRC 55 Trujillo Alto is in 3rd Floor here

  • Joel Romero

    Joel Romero


  • jorge melecio

    jorge melecio



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