Centro del Servicios al Conductor - Carolina i Trujillo Bajo

Puerto RicoCentro del Servicios al Conductor - Carolina



🕗 åbningstider

Calle Marginal, 00987, Trujillo Bajo, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-294-2424
internet side: hacienda.pr.gov
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 18.3763486, Longitude: -65.937973

kommentar 5

  • en

    du bai


    I renewed my driver license this week. It took me 6 hours (8:48am-2:45pm). 2 hours standing line in front of information desk. 4 hours waiting when there were 31 numbers before me. At most time, there was only one person at the information desk helping more than 50 people. Nightmare.

  • José Oliver-Didier

    José Oliver-Didier


    DMV A lot of the things you waste time here have been automated online in the rest of the world.

  • en

    Angel Suarez


    Different from most reviews, my experience was very good. The initial line for information was very long (around 60 people in line) but once done the process was very fast and the lady who attended me was super cooperative and friendly, I was able to finish my car plate process in like 2 hours.

  • Kaarin Kaaihue

    Kaarin Kaaihue


    la fila por informacion is very long, but once you have a number for the area you need to go to it runs smoothly. they were very helpful...even though my situation required going to multiple areas they helped expedite things. it is better to come to this location than the other ones in my opinion.

  • en

    Marven Millan


    Customer Service is the worst, when employees (Cristal) laughs in your face (because you did not have all the documents, after another employee told you you did) the Supervisor right next to her and does not correct her or does not see anything wrong with it. (They cover each others back was more the attitude) There is a line of 50 people standing up and the seats are empty. The "security guard" does not understand of the procedures so he can not help in any manner except saying "get in the line". Called the Director of the Center to speak about the lack of professionalism, etiquette and Customer Service. Nobody call back. Worst Governmental Bureaucracy I have seen. There were others walking out of the Building expressing the same frustration. It seems it goes with impunity when there is no manner of filing a report. There seems to have no system or accountability for their actions. Puertorrican Government at it's best.

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