Chicharrón • La Placita de Santurce i San Juan

Puerto RicoChicharrón • La Placita de Santurce



🕗 åbningstider

176, Calle Dos Hermanos, 00907, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-724-8730
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.4507891, Longitude: -66.070645

kommentar 5

  • Tania Feliciano

    Tania Feliciano


    Great food. Great service. We went for appetizers and drinks. Passion fruit mojito was delicious and the octopus was superb. Great ambiance.

  • en

    Holly Ann


    Excellent food. Everything was delicious and presented beautifully. The outdoor chairs are not very comfortable, which combined with the lengthy service made the experience less than perfect. Wait staff is very polite and knowledable about the menu and made great recommendations. Plan on dinner taking an hour and a half. The food is worth it though and I'd go back again. I had the shrimp tacos, and empanadillas. Both were excellent.

  • Looky Loon

    Looky Loon


    Every bit of food I was served was perfect. This is art. Loved it.

  • en

    Tia Calixte


    This is where I celebrated my preday dinner last year and I loved it! The wait time was ok but the great food was worth the wait. Our waiter was awesome and the venue was nice. I would definitely recommend eating here.

  • Christian Rivera

    Christian Rivera


    Food is amazing, they are creative and they really know how to cook local food. Waiters are kind, however, the place should have more of them since the service is slow. I came with a party of 4 and after 25 minutes they offered us water. Appetizer came after 15 minutes, nonetheless, we waited 40 more minutes for the entree after the appetizer was served. They definitely should improve their client service.

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