Chinatown Express i Carolina

Puerto RicoChinatown Express



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6150, Avenida Isla Verde, 00979, Carolina, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-253-0078
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Latitude: 18.4416666, Longitude: -66.0205008

kommentar 5

  • en

    Gisela Salas


    I´ve been in here a few times, and the food I´ve tried has been pretty good. However each time I have gone, around noon time, it´s been empty, one time there was one other person. In general they tend to get the food out quickly and always serve good portions.

  • Lorenzo Vasquez

    Lorenzo Vasquez


    Good service and good food with very modic prices! Only needs a little more variety in the menu...

  • Antonio Irizarry

    Antonio Irizarry


    food is good but they are always out of something. no beef, no broccoli, no soy sauce, no duck sauce, no ketchup, The owner is Puerto Rican and also owns the restaurant Mi Casita in Isla Verde. I imagine he runs it the same.

  • Xavier Lange

    Xavier Lange


    Great ambiance, food was the salty sweet we expected, heaps of good fried rice, papa fritas for the Boricua touch. The young woman working the front desk was upbeat and happy to accommodate our requests. It’s our new local spot.

  • en

    Kathy Cotto


    For the price comparing in the USA Is very cheap and very Good and is across the street from the Hotel Intercontinental en Isla Verde and the people are very helpful imagine a galon of fried rice and 12 piece of chicken and 2liters of Coke for only 19.00 and a Pepper Steak with fried rice and includes french fries for only 6.65 and it so much that 2 people

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